- 31st Oct '20
- Site back online
- Thanks to Winlander, WhiteCloud & DaveOMac for heads up
- 11th Jan '19
- Ammo now shows damage type colour highlights
- Item search now has Damage Type filter
- 1st Jan '19
- Fixed 200% dps on Beams
- New filters for 'Non Tradable' items
- New filters for 'Unique' items
- Colour coded the damage types
- 20st Dec '18
- New homepage for the gearlist site
- Maybe i'll look at making the fully reponsive to work on mobile & tablet, ummm.
- 11th Dec '18
- You can now sort Missiles and Projectiles by Range
- Fixed layout of 23rd Nov updates.
- 23rd Nov '18
- Removed 'Deep Space' system from loot results.
- Removed all 'disabled' systems from loot results.
- Tooltips now working again.
- Fixed links to non secure resources / websites.
- 8th Oct '17
- Individual 'Item' page enhanced, now shows component break down and sources.
- 'Items' show all components and hyperlink
- 'Dismatle From' and 'To' hyperlink to the item
- Added 'Dismatle To' info to item section
- In Buff section, converted buff durations into minutes where seconds >=60
- Fixed wrong values showing on Buffs section
- 2nd Oct '17
- Gives indication if Net-7 DB says the item drops or not
- Updated drop locations for weapons and core items
- 23rd Sep '17
- Added missing Beams
- Added missing Missile Launchers
- Added missing Projectile Launchers
- 29th Aug '17
- Fixed Zenshai Energy Motivator V2 range and non-manu status
- 22nd Aug '17
- Google Login added
- Facebook Login started
- Logins will enable addition of comment and voting system per item and bulk import/update by contributors
- 13th Aug '17
- New: Search buffs & effects using Buff section
- 12th Aug '17
- L9 No. 1 Most Prize ML Type Zet damage/range fixed (was 9999/9995) now 1030/5700
- Working on batch importer for mob loot data from players csv files
- Fixed label for Non Manu only items
- Added label for Include Non Manu items
- Started to update site with current data. Todo - Add toggle so user can choose current of live data.
- Backed up data from live EnB
- Fixed class names for 3 additional classes
- Added several missing 200% columns for weapons, shields, reactors etc. Inc. but not limited to Reload 200%, Recharge 200%
- Fixed some calculations related to reload and dps for weapons
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=23 y=-64 in Freya drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=75 y=30 in Jotunheim drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=114 y=236 in Lagarto drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=16 y=-108 in Muspelheim drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-87 y=88 in Nebulous drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-22 y=83 in New Edinburgh drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-20 y=83 in New Edinburgh drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-20 y=83 in New Edinburgh drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-159 y=220 in Odin Rex drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-168 y=210 in Odin Rex drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-175 y=203 in Odin Rex drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-182 y=193 in Odin Rex drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=2 y=-49 in Ragnarok drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L6 1st Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=23 y=-64 in Freya drops:
- L2 Angry Blue Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Angry Blue Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Sleeping Tail [Engine]
- L6 1st Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=75 y=30 in Jotunheim drops:
- L2 Angry Blue Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Angry Blue Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Sleeping Tail [Engine]
- L6 1st Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=100 y=0 in Jotunheim drops:
- L2 Angry Blue Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Angry Blue Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Sleeping Tail [Engine]
- L6 1st Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-53 y=-9 in Muspelheim drops:
- L2 Angry Blue Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Angry Blue Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Sleeping Tail [Engine]
- L6 1st Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-22 y=83 in New Edinburgh drops:
- L2 Angry Blue Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Angry Blue Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Malicious Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Sleeping Tail [Engine]
- L7 1st Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=75 y=30 in Jotunheim drops:
- L2 Angry Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L7 1st Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=100 y=0 in Jotunheim drops:
- L2 Angry Gaze [Beam Weapon]
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L2 Roc's Burst [Device]
- L9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=49 y=60 in Akerons Gate drops:
- L1 DV-RW-X1 "Quagmire" Mk. I [Device]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=75 y=30 in Jotunheim drops:
- L1 DV-RW-X1 "Quagmire" Mk. I [Device]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-53 y=-9 in Muspelheim drops:
- L1 DV-RW-X1 "Quagmire" Mk. I [Device]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-159 y=220 in Odin Rex drops:
- L1 DV-RW-X1 "Quagmire" Mk. I [Device]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-168 y=210 in Odin Rex drops:
- L1 DV-RW-X1 "Quagmire" Mk. I [Device]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-175 y=203 in Odin Rex drops:
- L1 DV-RW-X1 "Quagmire" Mk. I [Device]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-182 y=193 in Odin Rex drops:
- L1 DV-RW-X1 "Quagmire" Mk. I [Device]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-65 y=246 in Odin Rex drops:
- L1 DV-RW-X1 "Quagmire" Mk. I [Device]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=35 y=140 in Akerons Gate drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Wyvern's Claw [Device]
- L10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-53 y=-111 in Freya drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Wyvern's Claw [Device]
- L10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-151 y=25 in Jotunheim drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Wyvern's Claw [Device]
- L10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=150 y=-33 in Jotunheim drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Wyvern's Claw [Device]
- L10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=75 y=30 in Jotunheim drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Wyvern's Claw [Device]
- L10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-53 y=-9 in Muspelheim drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Wyvern's Claw [Device]
- L10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-65 y=246 in Odin Rex drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Wyvern's Claw [Device]
- L10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=9 y=-15 in Odins Belt drops:
- L1 Dragon's Horde [Device]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Wyvern's Claw [Device]
- L10 2nd Circle Chavez Transport (Chavez) @ x=16 y=-108 in Muspelheim drops:
- L1 DV-WP-X1 "Roadrunner Plus" Mk. I [Device]
- L2 DV-WS-X1 "Roadrunner" Mk. II [Device]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L10 2nd Circle Chavez Transport (Chavez) @ x=-53 y=-9 in Muspelheim drops:
- L1 DV-WP-X1 "Roadrunner Plus" Mk. I [Device]
- L2 DV-WS-X1 "Roadrunner" Mk. II [Device]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L10 2nd Circle Chavez Transport (Chavez) @ x=-65 y=246 in Odin Rex drops:
- L1 DV-WP-X1 "Roadrunner Plus" Mk. I [Device]
- L2 DV-WS-X1 "Roadrunner" Mk. II [Device]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L10 Chavez Clan Miner (Chavez) @ x=221 y=290 in Lagarto drops:
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L10 Chavez Clan Miner (Chavez) @ x=9 y=-15 in Odins Belt drops:
- L1 Petit Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L11 2nd Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=-151 y=25 in Jotunheim drops:
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L11 2nd Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=150 y=-33 in Jotunheim drops:
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L11 2nd Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=-7 y=105 in Jotunheim drops:
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L11 2nd Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=-53 y=-9 in Muspelheim drops:
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L11 2nd Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=-65 y=246 in Odin Rex drops:
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L12 3rd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=21 y=77 in Akerons Gate drops:
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Rada [Device]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Shieldgen LT [Device]
- L12 3rd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-57 y=145 in Akerons Gate drops:
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Rada [Device]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Shieldgen LT [Device]
- L12 3rd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-53 y=-111 in Freya drops:
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Rada [Device]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Shieldgen LT [Device]
- L12 3rd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-65 y=246 in Odin Rex drops:
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Rada [Device]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Shieldgen LT [Device]
- L12 3rd Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=2 y=-49 in Ragnarok drops:
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Rada [Device]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Shieldgen LT [Device]
- L13 3rd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-53 y=-111 in Freya drops:
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Hounfour [Shield]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L13 3rd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-151 y=25 in Jotunheim drops:
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Hounfour [Shield]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L13 3rd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=150 y=-33 in Jotunheim drops:
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Hounfour [Shield]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L13 3rd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-65 y=246 in Odin Rex drops:
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Hounfour [Shield]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L13 3rd Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=2 y=-49 in Ragnarok drops:
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Hounfour [Shield]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L2 Petit-Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L13 Chavez Clan Courier (Chavez) @ x=-16 y=139 in Ragnarok drops:
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L2 Petit Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L14 3rd Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=-151 y=25 in Jotunheim drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Harpy's Grip [Device]
- L14 3rd Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=150 y=-33 in Jotunheim drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Harpy's Grip [Device]
- L15 3rd Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=-91 y=7 in Carpenter drops:
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Hounfour [Shield]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L15 3rd Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=-151 y=25 in Jotunheim drops:
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Hounfour [Shield]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L15 3rd Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=150 y=-33 in Jotunheim drops:
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Hounfour [Shield]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L15 4th Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=24 y=263 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Harpy's Grip [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L15 4th Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=72 y=38 in Venus drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Harpy's Grip [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L15 4th Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=85 y=41 in Venus drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Harpy's Grip [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L15 4th Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=41 y=-96 in Venus drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Harpy's Grip [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L16 4th Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=24 y=263 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L16 4th Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=72 y=38 in Venus drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L2 Harpy's Pluck [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L17 4th Circle Chavez Transport (Chavez) @ x=24 y=263 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ayza [Device]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Rada [Device]
- L17 4th Circle Chavez Transport (Chavez) @ x=85 y=41 in Venus drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ayza [Device]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Rada [Device]
- L17 Chavez Heavy Miner (Chavez) @ x=-20 y=97 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Petro [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L3 Petit-Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L17 Chavez Heavy Miner (Chavez) @ x=-20 y=97 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Petro [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L3 Petit-Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L17 Chavez Heavy Miner (Chavez) @ x=-32 y=90 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Petro [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L3 Petit-Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L17 Chavez Heavy Miner (Chavez) @ x=-32 y=90 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Petro [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L3 Petit-Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L17 Chavez Heavy Miner (Chavez) @ x=-20 y=88 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Petro [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L3 Petit-Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L17 Chavez Heavy Miner (Chavez) @ x=-20 y=88 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Petro [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L3 Petit-Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L17 Chavez Heavy Miner (Chavez) @ x=-26 y=87 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Petit Petro [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L3 Petit-Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L18 4th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=24 y=263 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Rada [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L18 4th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=85 y=41 in Venus drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Rada [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L18 4th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=41 y=-96 in Venus drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L3 Petit Rada [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L19 4th Circle Chavez Commander (Chavez) @ x=24 y=263 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L4 Petit-Grand Petro [Device]
- L19 4th Circle Chavez Commander (Chavez) @ x=41 y=-96 in Venus drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L4 Petit-Grand Petro [Device]
- L19 4th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=24 y=263 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L4 Petit-Grand Petro [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Rada [Device]
- L19 4th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=72 y=38 in Venus drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L4 Petit-Grand Petro [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Rada [Device]
- L19 5th Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=190 y=286 in Lagarto drops:
- L4 Black DragonPlate [Shield]
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Hounfour [Shield]
- L19 5th Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=28 y=263 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 Black DragonPlate [Shield]
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Hounfour [Shield]
- L20 5th Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=209 y=270 in Lagarto drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L4 Petit-Grand Hounfour [Shield]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L20 5th Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=28 y=263 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L4 Petit-Grand Hounfour [Shield]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L22 5th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=28 y=263 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 Black DragonPlate [Shield]
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Hounfour [Shield]
- L4 Petit-Grand Rada [Device]
- L22 5th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=24 y=263 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 Black DragonPlate [Shield]
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L4 Petit-Grand Hounfour [Shield]
- L4 Petit-Grand Rada [Device]
- L23 5th Circle Chavez Commander (Chavez) @ x=28 y=263 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L23 Chavez Blood Initiate (Chavez) @ x=2 y=64 in Fenris drops:
- L3 Petit Petro [Device]
- L23 Chavez Blood Initiate (Chavez) @ x=150 y=28 in Glenn drops:
- L3 Petit Petro [Device]
- L23 Chavez Blood Initiate (Chavez) @ x=-215 y=149 in Odin Rex drops:
- L3 Petit Petro [Device]
- L23 Chavez Blood Initiate (Chavez) @ x=-215 y=149 in Odin Rex drops:
- L3 Petit Petro [Device]
- L23 Chavez Blood Initiate (Chavez) @ x=-51 y=140 in Ragnarok drops:
- L3 Petit Petro [Device]
- L25 6th Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-273 y=247 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L25 6th Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-272 y=242 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L25 Chavez Blood Initiate Commander (Chavez) @ x=150 y=28 in Glenn drops:
- L5 Dragonflight Silver [Engine]
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Gorgon's Glance [Device]
- L4 Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L25 Chavez Blood Initiate Commander (Chavez) @ x=-51 y=140 in Ragnarok drops:
- L5 Dragonflight Silver [Engine]
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Gorgon's Glance [Device]
- L4 Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L26 6th Circle Chavez Transport (Chavez) @ x=-273 y=247 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L26 6th Circle Chavez Transport (Chavez) @ x=-272 y=242 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Grand Loa [Reactor]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Petit-Grand Ayza [Device]
- L27 6th Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-159 y=220 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L27 6th Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-168 y=210 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L27 6th Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-175 y=203 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L27 6th Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-182 y=193 in Odin Rex drops:
- L4 duGrand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Grand Sango [Beam Weapon]
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 6th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=150 y=28 in Glenn drops:
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 6th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=-267 y=243 in Odin Rex drops:
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 6th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=-267 y=243 in Odin Rex drops:
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 6th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=-277 y=245 in Odin Rex drops:
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 6th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=-277 y=245 in Odin Rex drops:
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 6th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=33 y=266 in Odin Rex drops:
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 6th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=25 y=268 in Odin Rex drops:
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 6th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=31 y=261 in Odin Rex drops:
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 6th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=-273 y=247 in Odin Rex drops:
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 6th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=-272 y=242 in Odin Rex drops:
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 6th Circle Chavez Thug (Chavez) @ x=2 y=-49 in Ragnarok drops:
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 Blood Commander Horatio Chavez (Chavez) @ x=3 y=64 in Fenris drops:
- L5 Baron La Croix's Arun [Projectile Launcher]
- L3 Chavez Chemical Arun [Ammo]
- L3 Chavez Plasma Arun [Ammo]
- L5 Petit Baka [Device]
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L28 Blood Commander Horatio Chavez (Chavez) @ x=-16 y=139 in Ragnarok drops:
- L5 Baron La Croix's Arun [Projectile Launcher]
- L3 Chavez Chemical Arun [Ammo]
- L3 Chavez Plasma Arun [Ammo]
- L5 Petit Baka [Device]
- L5 Petit Shango [Beam Weapon]
- L30 7th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=-57 y=-109 in Freya drops:
- L5 Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L5 Grand Petro [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L30 7th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=43 y=75 in Freya drops:
- L5 Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L5 Grand Petro [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L30 7th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=-273 y=247 in Odin Rex drops:
- L5 Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L5 Grand Petro [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L30 7th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=-272 y=242 in Odin Rex drops:
- L5 Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L5 Grand Petro [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L30 7th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=2 y=-49 in Ragnarok drops:
- L5 Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L5 Grand Petro [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L30 7th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=-53 y=137 in Ragnarok drops:
- L5 Grand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L5 Grand Petro [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L32 7th Circle Chavez Commander (Chavez) @ x=2 y=-49 in Ragnarok drops:
- L6 DuGrand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L5 Petit Dhambier [Reactor]
- L4 Wyvern's Talon [Device]
- L32 7th Circle Chavez Commander (Chavez) @ x=-53 y=137 in Ragnarok drops:
- L6 DuGrand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L5 Petit Dhambier [Reactor]
- L4 Wyvern's Talon [Device]
- L33 Chavez Blood Circle Juggernaut (Chavez) @ x=-16 y=139 in Ragnarok drops:
- L6 DuGrand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L6 Grand Baka [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L33 Chavez Blood Circle Juggernaut (Chavez) @ x=-51 y=140 in Ragnarok drops:
- L6 DuGrand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L6 Grand Baka [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L35 7th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=-53 y=137 in Ragnarok drops:
- L6 DuGrand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L5 Grand Hounfour [Shield]
- L5 Grand Petro [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L6 Petit-Grand Dhambier [Reactor]
- L35 7th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=40 y=-4 in Tengu drops:
- L6 DuGrand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L5 Grand Hounfour [Shield]
- L5 Grand Petro [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L6 Petit-Grand Dhambier [Reactor]
- L35 7th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=40 y=-4 in Tengu drops:
- L6 DuGrand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L5 Grand Hounfour [Shield]
- L5 Grand Petro [Device]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L6 Petit-Grand Dhambier [Reactor]
- L35 Chavez Blood Circle Commander (Chavez) @ x=-16 y=139 in Ragnarok drops:
- L6 DuGrand Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L3 Ogun Plasma Missile [Ammo]
- L39 Chavez Head Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-16 y=139 in Ragnarok
- L39 Chavez Head Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-51 y=140 in Ragnarok
- L39 Chavez Head Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-16 y=139 in Ragnarok
- L45 Miguel Chavez - The Nagato Maru (Chavez) @ x=-21 y=144 in Ragnarok drops:
- L8 Dugrand Oya [Projectile Launcher]
- L6 Dugrand Oya Shells [Ammo]
- L8 Dugrand Xango [Beam Weapon]
- L3 Good-as-Ogun Missile [Ammo]
- L7 Grand Dhambier [Reactor]
- L8 Morning Star Max [Beam Weapon]
- L4 Ogun Blood Missile [Ammo]
- L6 Ogun Chemical Missile [Ammo]
- L7 Ogun duJaund [Missile Launcher]
- L4 Ogun Explosive Missile [Ammo]
- L7 Ogun of Blood [Missile Launcher]
- L6 Oya Chemical Shells [Ammo]
- L6 Oya Chemical Shells [Ammo]
- L7 Oya duLavande [Projectile Launcher]
- L7 Thrifty Ogun [Missile Launcher]
- L7 Tranquil Xango [Beam Weapon]
- L7 Versatile Oya [Projectile Launcher]
- L7 Xango duVert [Beam Weapon]
- L7 Xango of Blood [Beam Weapon]
- L47 10th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=116 y=27 in Paramis drops:
- L7 Manticore's Dire Agony [Device]
- L7 Star Lance [Beam Weapon]
- L7 Sumter VII [Shield]
- L47 10th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=-81 y=79 in Sulani Highport drops:
- L7 Manticore's Dire Agony [Device]
- L7 Star Lance [Beam Weapon]
- L7 Sumter VII [Shield]
- L48 10th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=116 y=27 in Paramis drops:
- L6 Longbow Chemical Round [Ammo]
- L6 Longbow Plasma Round [Ammo]
- L8 Longbow Tria [Projectile Launcher]
- L8 Veil NGC 8 [Reactor]
- L48 10th Circle Chavez Enforcer (Chavez) @ x=-81 y=79 in Sulani Highport drops:
- L6 Longbow Chemical Round [Ammo]
- L6 Longbow Plasma Round [Ammo]
- L8 Longbow Tria [Projectile Launcher]
- L8 Veil NGC 8 [Reactor]
- L50 10th Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-114 y=-167 in Dahin drops:
- L8 Banded Hawk [Engine]
- L8 Cygnus NGC 8 [Reactor]
- L8 DV-EP-X3 "GreaseMonkey Plus" Mk. VIII [Device]
- L50 10th Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=116 y=27 in Paramis drops:
- L8 Banded Hawk [Engine]
- L8 Cygnus NGC 8 [Reactor]
- L8 DV-EP-X3 "GreaseMonkey Plus" Mk. VIII [Device]
- L50 10th Circle Chavez Mechanic (Chavez) @ x=-81 y=79 in Sulani Highport drops:
- L8 Banded Hawk [Engine]
- L8 Cygnus NGC 8 [Reactor]
- L8 DV-EP-X3 "GreaseMonkey Plus" Mk. VIII [Device]
- L51 10th Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=116 y=27 in Paramis drops:
- L4 Dragonfire Missile [Ammo]
- L8 Incinerating Dragonfire [Missile Launcher]
- L8 Restore Octo [Device]
- L8 Yokozuna Sumo Shield M8 [Shield]
- L51 10th Circle Chavez Scout (Chavez) @ x=-81 y=79 in Sulani Highport drops:
- L4 Dragonfire Missile [Ammo]
- L8 Incinerating Dragonfire [Missile Launcher]
- L8 Restore Octo [Device]
- L8 Yokozuna Sumo Shield M8 [Shield]
- L52 10th Circle Chavez Commander (Chavez) @ x=-92 y=2 in Earth
- L52 10th Circle Chavez Commander (Chavez) @ x=116 y=27 in Paramis
- L52 10th Circle Chavez Commander (Chavez) @ x=-81 y=79 in Sulani Highport drops:
- L8 Hoplite Gamma [Shield]
- L8 Nova Lance [Beam Weapon]
- L8 Salamander's Dire Simoon [Device]